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Lilium potrebujete mať vždy po ruke

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The Madonna Lily

Its Curing Effects
Ľalia biela

The Madonna lily (Lilium candidum L., family Liliaceae) one of the most beautiful garden flowers has been long used in popular healing especially for its curing effects on inflammatory process. It is an everlasting herb originally from the Mediterranian where it still grows as a wild flower. It was introduced to our gardens in the 16th century.

The Madonna lily was popular among ancient nations and it was grown mainly for its beauty. It was originally a symbol of fertility, and since fertility brings about hope and gurantees the future, the flower was dedicated to Hera, the protectress of mothers and motherhood. Greeks dedicated the Madonna lily to their goddess of beauty and love Aphrodite. It is a symbol of purity and innocence for Christians.

Spirituous extracts of blooms and oil extracts of bulbs are used even recently in the popular healing. There was only little information about the chemical substances contained in the Madonna lily in the professional literature. The Department of Pharmacognosis and Botany at the Faculty of Pharmacy Comenius University Bratislava has long record of research. Except organic acids, simple sugars, polysaccharids – glucomanans, the occurence of flavonoids of flavonol type in the form of aglycones and glycosides has been also confirmed. During the last decade, nitrogenous compounds and substances of steroid nature were isolated. The remarkable group of chemical substances contained in Lilium candidum are the nitrogenous compounds since many of these belong to the new types of natural substances. Isolated substances have a structure of monomere and dimere pyrolines and pyrolidines. Another group consists of steroid saponines of glycosidic nature.

The tumorous disorders present a very serious problem. Isolated steroid saponines of Madonna lily proved up to 70% inhibitory activity, observed both in the presence of tumor promoter TPA, which is a specific promoter of the epidermal carcinogenesis, and in the presence of the proved carcinogene 7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene.

During the last years the antifungous effects of isolated substances have been demonstrated.
The cure of mycoses is a very serious problem and for that reason the constant search for new, more effective and less toxic antimycotics which do not lead to the development of resistence is needed.

Following its history and vast use in popular healing, the Madonna lily found its place also in medical cosmetics. The new preparations on the market are LILIUM – lily gel and LILIUM –CHLOROPHYL - lily gel with the chlorophyll, produced by DOREA, Ltd., Poprad. These gel preparations have remarkable antiinflammatory and also regenerative and soothing effects. They are used on healing burns, scalds, sunburns, skin abrasions, skin inflammations, wounds, inflammations of nail beds, bedsores . They are suitable for acne and cold sore since they reduce the manifestations of the illness. When applied early, the preparations can suppress developing dermal changes.
The LILIUM preparations are suitable also for sensitive skin.

RNDr. Eva Eisenreichová, Csc.
RNDr. Mária Haladová, CSc.
The Department of Pharmacognosis and Botany at the Faculty of Pharmacy
Comenius University Bratislava